This section contains our previous archived work. For the most recent release of Fitcrack, click here.
DISCLAIMER: By downloading our tools you agree with using them at your own risk. We will not be held in any way responsible for your decision. Please, keep in mind, that we provide no support, or assistance for Fitcrack.
Fitcrack server v2.3.0 (stable)
- Description: based on BOINC server 7.13, hashcat 6.1.1, installer included
- Date: 2020-10-24
- Download
- Changelog:
- A complete redesign of the dashboard
- Improved server monitor
- New charts with better look and performance
- Upgraded to hashcat 6.1.1 (new algorithms and higher performance)
- XtoHashcat update (RAR3-p detection, fixed PKZIP, SecureZIP, …)
- Various bugfixes (benchmarking, user management, hash processing, …)
- Hashvalidator is no longer needed
- JQuery no longer needed
- Updated user guide
Fitcrack server v2.2.0 (stable)
- Description: based on BOINC server 7.13, hashcat 5.1.0, installer included
- Date: 2020-06-23
- Download
- Changelog:
- Improved job management – support for job bins
- New feature: Job batches
- New attack mode: PRINCE
- Improved hybrid attacks
- Improved benchmarking
- Improved scheduling algoritms
- Advanced system settings added giving more control to users
- Lots of bugfixes
Fitcrack server v2.1.1 (stable)
- Description: based on BOINC server 7.13, hashcat 5.1.0, installer included
- Date: 2020-04-11
- Download
- Changelog:
- Fixed file uploads – loading hashlist and hash extraction
- Fixed verification of salted hashes
- User manual:
Fitcrack server v2.1.0 (stable)
- Description: based on BOINC server 7.13, hashcat 5.1.0, installer included
- Date: 2020-03-03
- Download
- Changelog:
- Upgraded to hashcat 5.1.0
- A complete redesign of WebAdmin app
- New dashboard, system monitoring, better job control
- New attack mode: PCFG
- LOTS of bugfixes
Fitcrack server v2.0.0 (stable)
- Description: based on BOINC server 7.13, hashcat 4.2.1, installer included
- Date: 2019-04-10
- Download
Fitcrack 2018 (unstable)
- CHANGELOG: Supports for hashcat 4.x, all hashcat attack modes, contains new webadmin with Python3-based backend and VueJS-based front-end, inctroduces hashvalidator.
- Server: server_2018_09_01.tar.gz
- WebAdmin: webadmin_2018_10_13.tar.gz
- HashValidator: hashvalidator_2018_09_03.tar.gz
- XtoHashcat: xtohashcat_2018_09_01.tar.gz
- Runner: runner_2018_09_03.tar.gz
Fitcrack 2017
- CHANGELOG: Switched from custom cracking solution to hashcat 3.x, supports brute-force attack and dictionary attack.
- Server: server_2017_09_03.tar.gz
- WebAdmin: webadmin_2017_09_03.tar.gz
- XtoHashcat: xtohashcat_2017_09_03.tar.gz
- Runner: runner_2017_09_03.tar.gz
Non-hashcat version of Fitcrack.
- Description: The original Fitcrack could serve either as a single-machine password cracking tool, or as a part of BOINC-based distributed solution.
- Fitcrack: fitcrack_src_2017_04_05.tar.gz
- Stand-alone GUI: fitcrack_GUI.tar.gz (Qt 5.7, experimental)
- FitXtractor: fitxtractor_src_0_2_29.tar.gz
- Server daemons for BOINC: fitcrack_server_0_2.tar.gz
Fitcrack was inspired by a GPU password recovery tool – Wrathion, which is still available at Wrathion website.